Hi, I'm Ryan Gibson. I run Fat Grin Software, a one man iOS indie software vendor based in Yorkshire, England. I'm currently working on Catchlines, an iOS word game, version 2.0 was released in May 2016.
It was a dark and stormy night, or maybe it was humid,
I had I decided needed to sign up for some account or other and
required a business name post-haste – having not given it any forethought I
scrabbled around for inspiration. I happened upon a nearby copy
Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange, opening it
at a random page I scanned for something worthy. Alex was in the middle of
his aversion therapy, the nefarious Ludovico technique. There, mid-sentence,
the words fat grin itched for recognition. A quick domain registration
later and now I have a silly light hearted company name.
'Oh,' he said, 'just to see how you're getting on.' And he brought his litso real near, a fat grin all over his rot. So I fisted up and went smack at this litso, but he pulled himself away real skorry, grinning still, and my rooker just punched air.
If you'd like to get in touch for any reason, please use the links below.